Sunday 27 May 2018


Look around you. Color is everywhere in nature, so much so that it is ingrained in us. Trees and grass we know to be green. As such, green symbolizes life for us. The sun is yellow. Light represents life and as such, yellow has come to mean happiness and joy. When yellow is lacking, we can feel depressed or anxious. These are not coincidences or accidents. Nature is designed this way. These colors are given to us by nature through what is known as the sciences of signatures. Basically, the science of signatures is the way nature designates the functions of things through color.
So how can we take advantage of this? One way is to work with what nature has given us, for example natural essences or crystals. When used properly and under the guidance of an experienced practitioner, these very powerful tools can quickly shift people.
When a client comes in and is very depressed, lacking energy or just generally listless, yellow, orange or red might be colors we look at. Yellow, as mentioned above, is about joy. Orange is pure bliss. And red is energy and passion. Depending on what is going on with that person, we may use crystals of those colors to help them through whatever is causing these issues. For example, if we determine yellow is the color they need, we can look at citrine (sunny yellow), pyrite (golden yellow) or lemon quartz (yellow olive). All of these crystals are different shades of yellow but not all will help with your specific need.
Recently, I had a client who needed yellow. I first worked with pyrite with her. However, when she was working with it, it didn’t seem to help her. Instead, she said it made her feel heavy. That was my cue that it was not for her. You see, although pyrite is yellow, it tends toward a golden shade of yellow and it also has very powerful grounding and stabilizing energies, which was not what she needed. She needed to be more uplifted and feel lighter. So, I next tried citrine with her and the results were immediate and very obvious. She felt instantly lighter and happier. I knew I had found what she needed. So as you see, although color is a strong indicator of what we need to become whole, different shades and hues will give us different outcomes.
The next time you are feeling a little down, why not make some time and get out into that bright yellow sunshine to absorb some joy which you can infuse into your life? Just as nature intended!
Seta Tashjian is an expert at Color and Light Alchemy. Her site, Seta, is an alternative healing site which offers transformation for working women burdened with stress and worry. To learn more about her offering, go to

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